Fallbrook Sub-Area Plan Unanimously Approved

On December 11, 2024 the San Diego County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Fallbrook Sub-Area Plan and adopted relating zoning amendment ordinances.

Located in unincorporated San Diego County, the Sub-Area encompasses 93 acres in the rural Fallbrook Village core, a vibrant center with a pedestrian-friendly Main Avenue. The village center is known for its historic charm, featuring shops, art galleries, public plazas and parks, and restaurants. It is also known for its flourishing arts scene and notable special events including an annual Avocado Festival.

Commencing in 2019, planning efforts focused on options to revitalize the Village – improving pedestrian safety and walkability, removing potential barriers to housing and development, and attracting economic investment. The County’s Planning & Development Staff worked closely with community members and the Moore Iacofano Goltsman, Inc. (MIG) consulting team to produce a final plan that would boost revitalization efforts.

In support of these efforts, KMA prepared an assessment of existing conditions for the County to evaluate the likely land uses that could be supported and developed. This assessment evaluated demographic and employment trends along with market conditions to understand the development potential for each land use type. KMA also prepared a financial feasibility analysis of alternative development concepts, identified potential financing mechanisms that can be used to implement public infrastructure, and recommended key strategies for revitalizing the Sub-Area. The Sub-Area Plan supports and expands the existing arts and culture scene and provides opportunities to develop in-fill multi-family and mixed-use development typologies.