In support of the City of Anaheim’s economic development goals, KMA evaluated the market conditions along the Anaheim Boulevard and Harbor Boulevard corridors in support of the City Center Corridors Specific Plan. The focus of the study was on the following sub areas: South Anaheim Boulevard, Center City Core, La Palma Core, and North of the 91, totaling 2,600 acres. KMA’s analyses summarized the market conditions and socioeconomic characteristics for these trade areas, evaluating market demand for retail, office, residential and hotel development.
Along with real estate market and socio-economic analysis, KMA considered business and employment growth projections and retail leakage and opportunities. Based on unmet and future market support for retail and services within these trade areas, KMA evaluated the feasibility of five alternative development programs for opportunity sites along the Corridors.
The goals of the City Center Corridors Specific Plan include: an expansion of economic opportunities and attraction/retention of high-quality jobs, creation of a wider range of new housing options, continuing support of the Center Core’s evolution as an active urban center, continuing support and enhancement of existing residential neighborhoods and historic resources, along with creation of an attractive pedestrian environment. Community leaders wish to build on the rich history and sense of place within the Center City, and guide appropriate development resulting in opportunities for residents, visitors, and businesses alike.