Los Angeles Housing Department – Affordable Housing Analyses

KMA provides ongoing affordable housing consulting services to LAHD on a variety of affordable ownership and rental projects. LAHD received numerous properties from the former Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles, as well as surplus properties from other City departments. These properties are proposed to be developed with affordable housing projects, with a focus on providing Permanent Supportive Housing units.

The projects that KMA analyzes are financed with a variety of funding sources including Tax Credits, HCD funding sources, and the city’s HHH funds which are designated for PSH units. KMA summarizes each transaction in a memorandum and presents each project to LAHD’s Loan Committee for approval. For these tasks, KMA draws on our extensive knowledge and experience with project economics, including construction costs, financing structures, and the “feasibility gap” associated with developing affordable units.

Project Description

Services Provided:
  • Affordability and Feasibility Gap Analyses
  • Layering Analysis
  • Property Disposition Reports
  • Developer Selection and Negotiation for Long-term Ground Leases
Project Status:
Project Manager:
Julie Romey
City of Los Angeles Housing Department