Reena Arvizu is a Manager in the San Diego office. She joined KMA in 1999 and specializes in performing market, financial, and economic impact analyses.
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing Transactions
Prepares technical studies to analyze the impacts and feasibility of affordable housing developments. Analyzes developer proposals submitted to public agency’s notices of funding availability (NOFA) including evaluating developer qualifications, modeling financial pro forma assumptions, and identifying issues for agency consideration. Relevant projects include:
- County of San Diego Housing and Community Development – Innovative Housing Trust Fund NOFA
- City of Escondido – Affordable Housing Monitoring and Compliance
- City of San Diego – Horton House (affordable senior apartments)
Land Use Economics
Market Analysis and Project Feasibility
Conducts market assessments for a range of land uses, including multi-family and single-family residential, retail/restaurant, industrial/office development, and recreational/public amenities. The market assessments support public agencies in determining which land uses will be viable in the planning area. Recent planning efforts include:
- Fallbrook Sub-Area Plan, Unincorporated San Diego County
- Clairemont Community Plan Update, City of San Diego
- Northside Neighborhood & Pellissier Ranch Specific Plan, City of Riverside
Infrastructure and Public Facility Finance
Assists public agencies in the evaluation and feasibility of infrastructure financing mechanisms. Identifies potential funding sources to finance new private development, public infrastructure, and capital improvements and recommends approaches to revitalize neighborhoods and communities. Relevant projects include:
- Value Capture Study for the potential Central Mobility Hub in San Diego for SANDAG
- Citywide Active Transportation In-Lieu Fee Program for the City of San Diego
Hobbies and Interests
In her spare time, Reena enjoys hiking with her German Shepherd (Luna), reading, and listening to live music. She is an avid camper and likes being outdoors.